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Thursday, 25 March 2010

About: Developing a Unique Persona.

Hitler-moustache, fanaticism, Churchill-supreme confidence cigar, Einstein-hair, Lucile Ball, flaming red-hair, Lincoln-hat and Hutterite beard, James Steward-bumbling hometown boy, Spencer Tracy-special brilliant talent hidden by a gruff exterior, Elvis Presley-dedication and fantastically developed voice with seeming natural awareness, rather than artificial choreography, Marilyn Monroe-naive wonder; this is something all the worlds memorable personality’s have done and MUST DO.The process is, and must be, very similar to old time jazz, in which an old and very familiar, or theme or tune, was experimented with, played with, and reworked; until it became something new, refreshing, and unique. On rare occasions, this unique persona can also be bought, come out of a tattoo parlour, store shelf, or bottle; but always-- it must come from within-- and be part of the individuals “Mother Nature” given, already unique personality.Many performers will talk about putting their “stamp” on an act or performance—wrong approach. The stamp must be put on them—THEY must become worth remembering. THEY must become unique. THEY must become unique and develop their own, fresh, and unique persona. It must be something that attracts –not distracts—the general population.

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