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Wednesday 10 November 2010

Does "Texting" Lead to Depression and or Risky Behaviour in Teens and Adults?

Research and an extensive new survey both indicate that teens who send 120, one hundred twenty, text messages a day or spend more than 3, three, hours a day, are much more likely to be engaged in abnormal, RISKY BEHAVIOUR. drugs, gangs, fights, and sexual activity. They are also likely to be obese.

Research shows these teens often:

  • Claim to be bored or that there is nothing to do.
  • May be involved in bullying, fights, or "swarming".
  • Show signs of depression.
  • Are more likely to be involved with drugs.
  • Are much more likely to be involved in gangs.
  •  Lack interest--especially in  school work and physical activity.
  • Are more susceptible to peer pressure.
  • Lack self-esteem.
  • Start sexual activity at a very young age.
Our Kids Are Not All-right.
It is doubtful however, that reducing access to these electronic "TOYS"would reduce the risk. It is far more important to determine the "ROOT CAUSE"-- the reasons Why?
How, or if, adults are affected remains uncertain; because it is doubtful that any adult spends near as much time with these devices as does a teen.

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