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Monday 6 December 2010

Don't Follow Symptoms, Don't Join Causes, Look for the Cause.

I am known to be very strongly opinionated and some would say old-fashioned--thank Nature-the Creator for that.

I try to look past the symptoms and LOOK FOR THE CAUSE. For example: while many express concerns over climate change, the environment, food shortages, health, housing, increased crime, or world peace; I am more concerned about HUMAN over population. This is the real, world wide, problem and the cause of these other concerns which are mealy symptoms. From the year: 1990-over 60% of the population in most impoverished (highly over populated countries) was between 10 and 14 years of age and is now into the reproductive years. What do you think is going to happen by the year 2012? We are already seeing(in the present world recession) part of what is going to happen; which will be the end of society as we know it. Our own country is not immune; many of us still want a large family, and because of a ridiculous belief that a large population is necessary for a healthy economy, we are rapidly becoming over populated. LOOK at the problems faced by every large city (especially Toronto and Vancouver) across this great country; what is the main cause-not symptom? I truly believe and, if you are willing to give an honest evaluation; you must too; that the greatest threat to our planet and mans very existence, or survival (biologically, economically, environmentally, morally, or spiritually) is and always has been over population. It is and was largely because of this never ending problem that the "New World" was discovered and we entered into space travel.

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