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Friday 26 April 2019


 Prayer is not a *Program* it does not have to be brought back to; or from; anywhere. One wishes to pray, they pray, with meaning, Anonymously, and preferably in quiet seclusion. PRAYER AKA THINKING so much so that the two words may be used interchangeably--this is where **extremism** can in *some* cases be born **for the more one is insecure or untrusting of themselves the more they are going to think/pray.**
The Lord's Prayer. How often do you pray? Where do you Pray? According to Jesus Christ.
Pray then in this way ... (Matthew 6:9
When you pray, say ... (Luke 11:2
The Lord's prayer is a model. Meaning, you follow the basic structure, but you don't repeat it endlessly. In Matthew 6:7 right before giving saying the Lord's prayer, Jesus said: "do not say the same things over and over again". So, when you pray, you need to
1) pray to God that his name is sanctified (or glorified) This means that your life would bring glory and honour to the name of Jehovah. Or Yahweh or Allah. However, you pronounce his name in your language.
2) you would pray for God's kingdom.
This is a Government. So, you are praying to be ruled by God.
3) Praying for daily bread is a way to ask for your NEEDS. So let Jehovah know in prayer what you need.
4) "forgive us our debts as we have forgiven others". So you would ask forgiveness. But then you must forgive others. So express forgiveness to others.
5) Do not bring us into temptation. Pray about something you are struggling with. Always end each prayer thru Jesus because he told his apostles "Whatever you ask in my name, I will do this." John 14:13.

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