Many young people take their futures for granted and so fail to develop a vision of that future, or to build a path which will lead to a successful life. Others have a dream of the future but that is all it is --a dream and they are willing to do very little toward securing that future. Failing to comprehend that they have only a very short period of time in which to develop the COMMITMENT(why does that word keep popping up?), dedication, and skills necessary to secure a successful future, many young men will opt out of school for what seems (to them at the time) well paying jobs in labour or construction. They usually have "All Important" girl friends. AFTER ALL, THEY ARE YOUNG AND TIME IS ENDLESS BUT THEY ONLY LIVE ONCE, SO THEY MIGHT AS WELL ENJOY IT. Who needs responsibility? They are as a feather caught in the wind.
Centuries ago, when I was young, you weren't considered an adult until age twenty-one. However, that was a much different time; we had just come through the Great Depression and the second World War. What we now call careers" were almost non-existent. JOBS were not readily available. You accepted ever was, (look at some of your old family pictures)because the whole world was playing "Catch Up" While "career" opportunities now about, many of to-days youth still choose to be forever playing the game.
Eighteen is now the magic age-- one day they're still a child; the next they are adults and the whole world comes crashing down around them. Unless they have a clear vision of their future, and a solid plan as to how they intend to get there, a whole bunch of things tend to get in the way. You know-- trivial unimportant things--like lack of money, lack of education or work skills, need for a place to live and SURVIVE, KIDS. Although often unmarried (common law relationships last only about three years, on average), most young girls are now mothers by age twenty-one.
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