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Thursday, 25 March 2010

Child Prostitution, Pornography, Trafficking for Sexual Purposes and General Abuse

 Images, found on a, presently, very popular, (supposedly of Russian origin) website.
BECAUSE: "While they do show children naked, do show the childs genetals; they do not show the child engaged in sexual activity. The images are about NUDIST LIFESTYLE" And, of course, they were posted by a very profitable, commercial, enterprise.
But: If you are a parent, or even a child yourself; try taking the same type of photos; then posting them on an online social networking service. and see where YOU end up.
 ALL this type of material is actually distributed by a firm in the United States of The Americas; with their  main office in New York .

Not inclusive of the above photos; this page has been posted on one of my web sites for years so it may as well appear here. I too, care very deeply, and feel very strongly, about this subject; but caring feeling, and supporting the “cause” is not nearly enough. 
Caring and feeling are both much like worrying; they accomplish absolutely nothing. Being a strong and ardent supporter too the “cause” accomplishes absolutely nothing; recruiting a hundred or more new recruits, too the “cause,” accomplishes absolutely nothing, and collecting a whole lot of money for the "cause"accomplishes absolutely nothing. In order to accomplish, one must act--look not to the “cause” but to the causes. 
Only when we are fully conversant with the subject and have fully defined all the REASONS can we hope to find the solutions and end the problem only then can the “cause“ have any real meaning.
The prevailing view in our modern society is that children shouldn't have sex. This presupposes that there is a broad consensus on what we mean by “children” and “sex”, when, in reality, the terms can and do mean very different things to different people. Should childhood be defined by civil laws that lay down the legal age at which a child may engage in sexual activity, always assuming we can agree what we mean by “sexual activity, or should childhood end when an individual has attained puberty? At the present time, the legal constraints, which most countries, including Canada, impose upon children, are widely out of step with the biological age at which puberty occurs and even so vary widely from country to country. Should a child be legally permitted to have sex at puberty, and if not, what outlets (if any), should it be permitted on which to express it’s natural urges during the intervening years between puberty and the age of sexual consent?
Again, before we can answer that, we need to clarify what we mean by “having sex”. In the popular mind, it generally means sexual intercourse. Whilst most parents would be rightly horrified at the thought of their prepubertal children engaging in sexual intercourse, they may take a much different view of other forms of sexual contact and sexual innuendo and the definition of what constitutes sexual intercourse also varies greatly from parent to parent and from culture to culture.
The dictionary defines intercourse as: 1. “Relations between persons or nations“. 2. "Copulation".
Any parent knows that it is virtually impossible to bathe a child without touching their genitals and to do so would defeat the purpose of bathing them in the first place. Does that make millions of parents all paedophiles? Of course not. What about the child who touches its own genitals or those of its playmates in play, or in conscious experimentation? How about the child who crawls into bed with Mother, Dad, or both, on a cold or stormy night? How about if the child has wet their bed; or for some other reason, crawls in there naked? Or suppose the parents just happen to themselves be engaged in sexual intercourse at the time; does that constitute child abuse?
Among our Inuit culture, it was very common for the youngest child (the Inuit generally slept naked; and they all slept together, under the same cover, especially when in snow houses, or igloos. This was done in order to provide enough heat to keep from freezing without producing enough heat to form ice on the inside of the house; which would cause the risk of suffocation due to carbon monoxide poisoning.) male or female to be sent to sleep with visitors or strangers too the camp. It was expected; they would engage in sexual intercourse. Was this child abuse? Of course not; it was a matter of survival and because that is what was expected in that society; it may have done serious psychological damage to the child were they not allowed to do so. If a man came into that same community and tried to molest a child in any way--let me put it this way; the stories you may have heard about guys being castrated with sardine cans, or simply disappearing from the face of the earth, are not exaggerated.
Many other indigenous or tribal societies celebrated a coming-out ceremony, when a child reached puberty, and came out of childhood. During this ceremony, the child was expected to have sexual intercourse, usually with their mother, father, or other close relative. Did this then do the child any psychological damage--not so as anyone would notice. Many of these juveniles did however choose to commit suicide, after new and awakened, totally foreign, religious, or social laws prevented this ceremony from being held. In the eyes of these juveniles, they could never become adults and therefore life was not worth living.
It is a most unusual child who does not explore their sexuality unless prevented from doing so by a parent or guardian. To compound this issue, every child, but especially the girls, be it at school, on the street while associating with their peers, or at home watching a TV commercial is constantly being brainwashed into believing that they must look “hot”act "hot" and dress and act in a “sexy” manner.
A girl can no longer date a boy just because she likes him and enjoys his company; she must have "the hots" for him. All boys must be real "studs" In order to “fit in”; all adolescents must have a boy or girl friend; and must rotate them often (the term boy or girl friend of course meaning someone with whom you have a sexual relationship). There need be no other commitment or compatibility and in some cases, the participants barely know each other. This is probably why, in our society there are very few virgins over fourteen years of age. I say fourteen only because boys reach puberty at a later age than do girls. Most of our entertainers, (especially female “pop stars) now perform what are literally pornographic moves as a part of their act. This we accept and even condone; to the point that we allow our kids to go to “Hip-hop” and other concerts half-naked.
This dictionary also defines a prostitute as someone who engages in sexual intercourse for pay. The dictionary is referring to monetary remuneration; but carry the word pay, or if you prefer pay-off; a little further, and include self-pleasure or gratification, and use it in conjunction with pornography, trafficking, general abuse, and those that engage in or produce it and what have you got.
Child sex (prostitution, pornography, trafficking, and general abuse): why are we so fucked up about it?
I lay much of the blame firmly at the door of modern society, the development of day-care, institutional education for children (which often amounts to cheap day-care or baby-sitting), one parent families; (specially where a mother is the only functioning parent), (children are often told that they were unplanned and/or unwanted), and Social Services, where untrained, or unqualified, social workers are often called upon to do a job they do not want to do in the first place.
Often Social Services are becoming involved in situations where they have no legal, ethical, or moral right to be involved, and I know personally of several cases (some involved family members), where their involvement was totally against the law. The total of all damage done is still being assessed and tabulated.
In other cases of family break down--rather than rehabilitation, the main emphasis or concern now, is to take the child out of the home, and either place the child, or children, into foster-care, some other institution, or detention center, where drug therapy is involved, or the newer innovation-- putting some juveniles up in their own apartments, but with very limited resources. This is illegal (it is illegal to commit a minor to any major contract without the express permission of a parent or guardian. This is the “catch phrase“-for the Social Service agency is now, at least temporarily, the legal guardian. Then in addition, most government agencies, institutions, officials and politicians figure that they are above the law.
A very young person, for whom I have a great deal of respect, (she had been through it all) once wrote, “I don't care who you show this letter to. I just thought I should let you know how I felt. In fact I think you or I should photocopy some copies of this letter and send one to Social Services and wherever else. Please fight for me, as I am unable to fight for myself. All I ask is you, please, don’t send me away please. I don’t know what I’d do, if you put me back in one of those homes, I hate them. I want to live with you. That’s no lie. I don’t care what you did; we both know that you were far from the first, and that I am what Social Services likes to refer to as "experienced". People only live once and that’s not a long time. I want to live with you, because I love you, and I don’t want to waste my life and not be able to live with you. No matter how hard people try, they can’t run my life. I think that’s what Social Services is doing. I think but don’t quote me on that one. I wish they didn’t have Social Services, or homes, then kids would have to live at home with their families. If my brother is reading this, and saying ya Bull shit, tell him I’m not a slut, or what ever else he thinks of me, and tell him not to knock the spelling. You know how much work is and strain full act this letter is a lot of work for me telling you how I feel but I had to write it because when you talk to me I just want to jump in your arms, and be held, and make love. Jorgie seems to be a really nice lady. I'm a real jelous Bitch now though, so I don't know if I could except Jorgie, but if she doesn’t want me there, I won't come home. I hope you and her don't get mad about me writing this letter. Some people still say I'm not your daughter. I, still, really want to have your baby. That way there could be no argument about him or her being yours; and I really do want to come home".
As I think you can tell from the way she writes, that young person did not have much education; again, you can thank Social Services for that. They pulled her out of school. That young person is now a mature woman with a family of her own and despite all odds, doing quite well, for both herself, and her family. Over the course of time, her thoughts and emotions have changed drastically. In a later letter, she wrote--I have idolized you all my life but you were seldom there, and whenever you were for a brief time; mother would decide to move somewhere else, and then you no longer were. I’ve had many step-dads over the years and I get them confused. At times, I know I even get you confused with someone else. But I always knew that if we got in too much trouble, needed a place to live, or even if Mom ran out of money, you would always be there to bail us out, and I always knew that you loved me.
She now hates me, though she has at times tried to deny it. We have even tried a brief reconciliation; but I believe we both realize that we have drifted too far apart. We are no longer part of the same family, nor do we have anything left in common. We must go our own ways, in order for either one of us to be happy.
De ja vu, just as her half-sister was really raised by an aunt, never knew, or even met, her real father and barely knew her mother; this woman has now chosen to let that same aunt, and sister, direct her life, and the raising of her own children. The half- sister is over fifteen years older; so it is more a mother/daughter relationship than sister/sister but she has chosen, to abandon, or reject, her true family and join the other branch . The circle of life repeats, the French have a name for it.
Prior to this, in what are unfortunately bye-gone years; families lived in larger units, including grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and so forth. There could be and often were serious conflicts between various branches, or factions, within the extended structure. Sometimes there were out-right feuds(battles for dominance and control), but in most cases, it was within this structure that most of the education of children took place. While in these older times, little verbal instruction was given about sex in the modern sense of “sex education”, children learned by seeing and hearing what went on in the family and in the natural world around them. Most importantly, they learned about family heritage, values, traditions, and they felt wanted and needed. As the extended family was replaced by the nuclear, or no, family, out side institutions took over the education and raising of our children, and the natural, family form of sex education began to disappear along with much of traditional instruction such as how to live and survive; and we must not forget that in most cases the bottom line for the operators of these institutions was and is profit--monetary gain.
This resulted in the modern view that children are to be completely “protected” (so long as that “protection” does not interfere to any marked degree with our normal “adult” activities) cared for, isolated in various ways, and treated as a fragile vulnerable species entirely different from adults. This inversion of the natural order culminated in the cult of childhood and the “teenager” both entirely artificial constructs with no basis in biological or psychological reality. These radical changes have rapidly brought us to the point where children are often worshipped, treated as “trophies” and increasingly spoiled; yet contribute little or nothing to the practical, productive life of our society. What parents cannot or will-not provide these “spoiled” children; they will go out and provide for themselves--one way or another. Many of these same children have come to the conclusion that because it is almost mandatory that all their activities be in some way related to sex--they may as well be paid for it.
Almost every child in North America has not only seen; but watch, on a regular basis, such, "family" orientated, sitcoms as Seinfeld and Still Standing; shows in which the theme is almost always casual, irresponsible, thoughtless, self indulgent sex. They have also seen such movies as Irma la Deuce and Pretty Woman in which the hero starts of as a dead-end corner prostitute but with no other attributes and because that is what she was and is; ends up gaining not only social status, and wealth; but also ultimate happiness and fulfilment.
These kids come to the conclusion that nothing that can offer so many benefits can be all that bad.
I do not have access to the actual statistics, but I have read, heard on the news, and been told by various government agencies that 80% of all child prostitutes were sexually abused at home. Why would that make any child turn to prostitution? I would think that such a child would try to avoid sex of the abusive kind, which paid sex invariably is. “Johns” all have their excuses, reasons, and alibis; but it is their self-centered pleasure and the need to feel their power that lies at the heart of their lustful desire.
As I see it, another cause of these problems is the same as the main cause of most of the world’s problems; and that is over population. Reportedly; and at least officially, (it is also rampant in Vancouver, Canada, North America, and throughout Western Society) most of the problems with child prostitution, pornography, and trafficking occur in the much older “developing” countries that can no longer sustain or support their huge populations (I often wonder about how a country that is 5000 years old can be developing or have an emerging economy; but then I am not an economist; so am very uneducated in such matters). People are choosing to have children; and with all the methods of birth control and other options now so readily available, world wide, it is always a choice; who can not afford them and in areas that can not sustain them. Perhaps this is the reason that collectively, or taken individually, child prostitution, pornography, and trafficking for sexual purposes are the fastest growing industries in the world; far surpassing the drug trade to which they are all usually closely connected. The “Save the Children” and other charitable funds are only making matters worse by creating a further, false, impression that they can.
Those that I have listed are not all the causes by any means; but correct these causes and there will be little need for the “cause”. SEE ALSO MY EARLIER POST: SEEKING LOVE IN ALL THE WRONG PLACES,© Al (Alex, Alexander) D Girvan. All rights reserved.

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